Tuesday, August 31, 2010


To be an artist... what does that mean?  The dreams deepest in our hearts seem to be the hardest to chase.  This whole summer I've been attempting at every other creative profession other than simply being an artist, a painter. 

Nate and I sat down and prayed about a job I considered applying for, as a website designer.  The pay would have been great, could have been creative, didn't have to be in customer service anymore.  Seems perfect.  When I asked God if I should try for this job, He said, "It doesn't matter if you get this job."  I was disappointed.  I wanted a more clear answer.  "Can you be more clear God?  Should I go for it or shouldn't I?"  ... "No, you don't understand," God explained further, "This job has no importance at all for your future.  It does not matter in the least."  It so crazy how vastly different our priority lists are.  "Then what, God, should I do now?"  "Stephanie, what i've been telling you all this time.  Finish your series." 

I felt so much importance and authority in His voice.  To move forward in painting scares me.  What if I'm not good enough?  I've got to finish.